Saturday, July 30, 2011

Nobody likes a sore loser.

Just because the shoe may, doesn't mean you should actually wear it. 

We are all under a ton of stress and pressure. Times are rough, and they are only going to get rougher. The key to this drama is to cope with it effectively.

Yes, things are negative, but every negative you seek and find can show you things you've never realized before; thus turning it into a positive (if you let it). The entire world is calling for chaos, destruction, blood, & armageddon. With corrupt government, big business, and cheap labor, why not? But why can't we call for peace, understanding, and simply, love?

One cannot exist with out the other, unfortunately. 

I rather be the one in the middle of battle proposing justice, trade, and compromise rather than "eye for an eye". My momma has always said -
'You get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar' 
and damn it if it isn't true! The sheer genius of that quote is so simple, its surreal.

I suggest everyone reading this to open their minds and use the internet for something good. Look up the following words:

-The Law of Attraction
-Common F*ckin Sense

Just some food for thought ;)