Saturday, July 30, 2011

Nobody likes a sore loser.

Just because the shoe may, doesn't mean you should actually wear it. 

We are all under a ton of stress and pressure. Times are rough, and they are only going to get rougher. The key to this drama is to cope with it effectively.

Yes, things are negative, but every negative you seek and find can show you things you've never realized before; thus turning it into a positive (if you let it). The entire world is calling for chaos, destruction, blood, & armageddon. With corrupt government, big business, and cheap labor, why not? But why can't we call for peace, understanding, and simply, love?

One cannot exist with out the other, unfortunately. 

I rather be the one in the middle of battle proposing justice, trade, and compromise rather than "eye for an eye". My momma has always said -
'You get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar' 
and damn it if it isn't true! The sheer genius of that quote is so simple, its surreal.

I suggest everyone reading this to open their minds and use the internet for something good. Look up the following words:

-The Law of Attraction
-Common F*ckin Sense

Just some food for thought ;)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Grey Sky Tumbles.

 The grey sky looms menacingly above the lone cabin. His red and black flannel shirt is damp from sleet. Caine shivers next to the fire, trying to get warm after hunting for hours with no bounty. He's tired and misses him dearly. He doesn't understand why life causes him so much heartache and sorrow...

He stirs the fire once more, hoping for a bigger flame. The firewood pile is dwindling and the days are growing darker. He wishes only for the best; to love and to hold feel his warmth...just one more time. Caine looks up, only to sense and see his Masters pain....
-----------------------------------------------------------------END PROLOGUE-----------------------------------------------------------------

In all seriousness, life is hard. You HAVE to learn to find meaning in the events that happen to you, because if it happened out of your control, then it happened for a reason. Sometimes thats hard to believe, but in order for myself to keep sane and not so cynic. 

I am engaged and in love. The trials and tribulations that him and I have been through have been, well, almost detrimental. I fear we do not have long to fix this, and I believe he feels the same way. We balance each other out, and we keep each other within the mundane. From being homeless, to long standing lies in deceit early on within the relationship, its taken a lot of hard work to get to where we are now. 

I love him. I just want him to know that. Despite a silly action I may have had due to an old friend of his, I still love him. We are both at fault for where we are now, in some way. However, we did not choose this path, it was chosen for us through another's insecurity. 

I want him and everyone else to know that as this grey sky tumbles, I will always be here. <3 For you. Whomever reads this who actually care for me. 

I love you.

Monday, November 29, 2010

In Pursuit...of Reflection.

Welcome guys.

I will be posting alotta cool stuff (including new words, like alotta) on here. Everything you could ever imagine, will be talked about here. Please subscribe & follow me. Blogger allows you to subscribe to their blogs via Twitter, Facebook, and other honorable social networking sites...and no, that doesn't include MySpace. (oohhh harsh, I know, just wait for my next blog.

This feels good! :)
Any ideas? Throw 'em at me.